EMG NCS Specialists

Orthopaedic Institute of Dayton

Orthopedic EMG NCS Specialists located in Miamisburg, Dayton, & Tipp City, OH

Electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies (NCS) are diagnostic tests that measure how the nerves and muscles are functioning. The study is helpful in evaluating causes of pain, weakness and numbness.


David Seymour, M.D. – board certified by ABEM (American Board Electrodiagnostic Medicine) Dr. Seymour is a member of the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine (AANEM) and as a Diplomate of the ABEM is granted Fellow status with AANEM, the international association dedicated to advancing neuromuscular, musculoskeletal, and Electrodiagnostic medicine

No creams or lotions applied to the skin on the day of the exam is preferred. You may take any of your medicines on the day of testing. Taking your pain medicines will not alter the results of the test. For exams of your neck, arms or hands bring or wear a tank top or loose fitting short sleeve shirt For exams of your back, legs or feet bring or wear shorts.

Usually between 30 and 45 minutes.

On a table or chair in our office.

There is sometimes soreness where the recording electrodes were placed. Ice and Tylenol helps control these temporary symptoms if present.

No. If you can drive to the test, you can drive home from the test.

  • pinched nerves
  • nerve injuries
  • radiculopathy
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • ulnar neuropathy
  • muscle disorders and other condition

The physician performing the test will review the results immediately upon completion of testing. The clinician who ordered the test will later work with you to decide further evaluation and treatment.

Find out more about electromyography (EMG) and nerve conduction studies (NCS) at Orthopaedic Institute of Dayton by calling the office or booking an appointment online today.

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